von dany | Sep. 8, 2015 | Columns
…also called sponsor, tutor or something else. I think that those of us involved in networking know exactly who’s meant by this. The perfect upline – how nice it really is in this business to have somebody like that: He/She always has time for me. He/She only...
von dany | Sep. 8, 2015 | Columns
We all remember it: It was right at the beginning of our MLM career. We all dared to begin something new in our lives. We all chose an industry we knew very little about, one which however sounded ever so exciting. Many, who had perhaps failed on many levels in life...
von dany | Sep. 8, 2015 | Columns
What should we wear in business? That‘s the big question here and now. Let‘s wait and see which common denominator we arrive at in the end and whether we‘ll actually succeed in doing so. In think there are almost as many opinions about this as there are people in the...
von dany | Aug. 27, 2015 | Columns, Home
I made a conscious decision in calling it “The Art”, as nowadays communicating in a proper manner really is somewhat of a skill. In an era defined by emails, SMS, Facebook, time pressure, lack of time and the sheer hustle and bustle of it all, certain things, which...
von dany | Aug. 27, 2015 | Columns, Home
Don’t worry, I won’t try to call your convictions into question or even question your belief in your party or the system both you and I are part of. It’s also totally in order to continue to believe what you’ve believed up to now. The only thing we’re doing here is...